
What the program seeks to accomplish

The Turkish Studies Project explores how modern Turkish identity took shape through new research, much of which focuses on a series of traumatic formative events including crises in the Balkans and the Caucasus, the loss of major territories, and forced migration that presaged the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Since its inception, the program has also made great strides in assisting in the publication of several scholarly works which can be found on the publications page.

Today, the program continues to provide support to graduate and post-graduate students whose work is being produced in several languages including: Turkish, Azeri-Turkish, Armenian, and Arabic. In this manner, the program has helped the advancement of a new cadre of scholars making original contributions to the study of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, the history of the Ottoman Empire, states that emerged from the fallen empire, and the history of the surrounding region.

The Turkish Coalition of America began the grant project in 2009. This website was created to publish the results following the completion of each successive year, detailing publications that were made possible because of the program, advances in the understanding of the time period in question, and scholars who have furthered their research through funding and fellowship opportunities that this grant has provided.

Who is leading the program?

The Turkish Studies Project is being led by Dr Hakan Yavuz, professor of political science at the University of Utah. He focuses on transnational Islamic networks in Turkey and Central Asia, the role of Islam in statecraft, the study of genocide, and ethno-religious conflict. Professor Yavuz received his Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. Antecedent to his doctorate, he received his M.A. from the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, and his B.A. from Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi in the Turkish capital city of Ankara.

Dr Yavuz has authored more than 30 articles on Islam, nationalism, and Turkish politics and has so far published four books. His university profile can be found here.



What is the turkish coalition of america?

The Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) is an educational, congressional advocacy, and charitable organization which was founded in 2007. The headquarters are in Washington, D.C., with an office in Boston, Massachusetts.

The TCA is a fully independent, 501(c)(3) public charitable organization that doesn’t receive funding from neither the U.S. nor Turkish governments. It is funded entirely by Turkish Americans who believe in a strong U.S.—Turkey relationship and who are proud of their Turkish heritage and by others who share these ideals. The goal of investing in grant projects is to foster understanding of Turkish and Turkish-American issues through public education.


activity reports

For each academic year, the Middle East Center at the University of Utah requests funds for the program through proposals at the beginning of each year, and reports their activity following the completion of specified goals.

A summary of the reports can be found here.